Friday, October 29, 2010

Quotes of the Day

Hello my name is ''wait'' I never told my blog site friends my real name well it is Kamarian[ka-mar-e-an-a].
I love to skate and I am a very intelligent in black history,and in some math.I have a wonderful life style and have lots of helpful friends.I am in the six grade and will not tell the computer world my last name or my school because it is very easy for someone to my identity and for your safety I will make my next post about that to keep you safe.I have a mom, dad, sister, and brother and I will not tell you there names just for there safety.Well this is the end if my Quote pf the Day.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


At school two boys were fighting in the hall and everyone came to watch the class they were in the class across the hall,the eighth graders,even teachers.They were punching, slapping,kicking and many wressling moves.


definition=the definition is when you have high blood  pressure and that causes diabetes.

cause=genetic sweets

symptoms=symptoms are weight loss, vomiting,abdominal bleeding and more.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


today on october 19 2 boys were fighting in the hall they were slapping,kicking,and was so funny i cant wait ti tell every one i know

please tell how u feel about this in comments

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


one cause of stereotype is name calling.
one effect of stereotypes are yelling.
one thing i am going to do about  it is warning people about what will happen.