Sunday, November 7, 2010


Hey everybody how ya doin me ok anyway today we are goin to be talkin  bout spiders and or tarantula's.
 Some spiders are poisoness and some are not but you really need to watch out for the poisoness ones because they can kill you.A black widow is poisoness and a daddy long leg is'nt and there not that scary ''say's my mom'' but i'm totally scarded even a picture will scare me.Tarantula's are big,hairy,and ugly I once had one in my backyard and almost had a heart attack.They can be very sneeky and come up and bite you and you might turn into spiderman or spiderwomen if your lucky.I was goin to put a pic of a tarantula but i am to scared but I might.They come in different colors and sizes and if you live in Oakland you see spiders but not the big ones those are only seen in Africa or South Carolina and more. So watch out for 'em and DON'T GET BIT.

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